Weekend Update March 16&17
Stefan got back from his business trip safe and sound and utterly exhausted. Â It was good to get some house work done but we did make time for some relaxation. Â In fact, we went over to a good friend’s house for drinks on Saturday night and dinner on Sunday night. Â Seeing them entertain all the time made me want to get the house finished so I can entertain too! Â I can’t wait to have people over this summer. Â We’re one of the few people with a yard so we may take the warm summer nights entertaining spot this summer. Â We’re thinking about a pizza oven and certainly a grill. Â I’d also love a small smoker. Â I promised Stefan that if the house got finished up a bit, we could get a natural gas grill.
I believe this is the one he’s picked out.
Amazon only has it listed in black, copper, and green but Lowes has it in an exclusive Espresso color.
We got a bunch done this weekend. We finally got the half bath floor down! Yay! It ended up being a lot more work than we had hoped. Re-wiring was easy peasy but Stefan had to saw-zall the edge of the room to expose the beams so that the new subfloor had something solid to rest on. He was certainly feeling it by the time he was done. Doing anything while balancing on beams is tiring on the legs and the core balancing muscles. But look, floor!!!
I also got a bunch of electric loose ends finished up. The smoke detectors are all pulled. I need to have Stefan cut one more circle in the plaster in the den and I need to toss up a full-size box in the master closet but everything is run where it needs to be. I even attached a few of the metal boxes.
There is a new wire to the overhead master light. We had operated under the assumption that there was a gas line to the that room but while I was working up there, I pulled this dodad out of the ceiling. It looks like at the time the electric was done in the house, attaching to the gas pipe was the standard way of mounting light fixtures so if you had only an electric light, you would mound just a nub of gas pipe to attach the fixture to.
THis is great news for us because now we can put in a modern box which will really widen our lighting search criteria.
I also installed some other boxes here and there that needed to be cleaned up including our newly pulled and installed switch box for the master bedroom.
Stefan is also well on his way to having the shower controls installed. After that bit is done, we can toss up the durock backer board.
We installed 2 of the Kohler Temp-Rite pressure balancing valves. We found them cheapest on Amazon.
Typically, they don’t recommend using 2 mixers because having 2 different temperatures of water can be unpleasant but I like a really hot shower and Stefan has to have a fairly cool shower so we decided to have 2 temperature controls. We’ll see if it was a poor idea soon enough.
All in all, I call the weekend a success. We still have a lot to do before drywall 🙁 but we’re making progress. More and more stuff keeps popping up that needs to get done. Â Let’s take a look at the list:
Knee Wall- Pex to 3rd floor
chimney wall on 3rd floorLath on bathroom and closet wallmount and hook up shower mixers- mount vanity light boxes (
cut and hang) - wood support for corner sink in half bath
- wood supports for toilet paper rolls and towel rods (
cutand hang) - 3rd bath floor
half bath floorsmoke detector wiring on 2nd floor- electric to fans
bedroom electric finish up- half bath overhead light boxes
- Kitchen overhead lights
- durock backer board
foam behind rafters
Still plenty of work to do but I’m hoping one more long weekend (more realistically 2) and we can be done!
Weekend Update March 2&3 Insulation, framing and not quite ready for Drywall
Lets take a look at the list from last week:
What all is left?
Knee Wall- Pex to 3rd floor
chimney wall on 3rd floorLath on bathroomand closet wall- mount and hook up shower mixers
- mount vanity light boxes
- wood support for corner sink in half bath
- wood supports for toilet paper rolls and towel rods
- 3rd bath floor
- half bath floor
smoke detector wiring on 2nd floor- electric to fans
- bedroom electric finish up
- half bath overhead light boxes
- Kitchen overhead lights
- durock backer board
foam behind rafters
Needless to say, we did not get everything off the list. We do have 2 exciting pieces of news:
Saturday we went to pick up my car from the body shop. I got into a bad accident about a month ago not serious injury, but I still got a slip and fall accident from the Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A. firm to review the case. I got slow-motion t-boned by an 18 wheeler. Anyways, the car just came back. The body shop wanted a cashier’s check so we headed to the bank first thing on Saturday and…. their computer system was down… So I got cash… Lots of it. Anyways, this has nothing to do with the house except that it took up all of Saturday morning. It’s my excuse and a good one at that.
After driving home in my shiny finally vacuumed non-crunched up car, we got to work. First things first I started pulling wire for the smoke detectors. Stefan used the handy roto-zip with a tile bit to cut away just the plaster from the lath. We are using shallow metal boxes that screw directly into the lath for the smoke detectors. I got about half the wire pulled before my hands started cramping like a mad women and I called it quits. Stefan spent Saturday finishing PVC! Whoo.
This picture means nothing to you but that is the vent stack being tied into the drain stack in the attic.
Sunday morning we were distracted by one of our favorite projects… planning out the back door to the kitchen.
We found this link a few weeks ago and it is invaluable. This is the Anderson window and door product guide with all the standard sizes. They call it a “professional” guide but it’s basically just the product listing which for some reason is rediculously difficult to find.
Anyways, Sunday morning was spent watching vector freak out because a squirel was in the recycling just outside the back door. Of course this let us to start talking about how happy he will be when we finally have a french door.
Vector leaps up to see out the top which is hilarious but not as effective as just having something like this:
We only have about 4.5 feet so we’ll probably do a door and a side light. It’s gonna be awesome! This is one of those things that we know is low-priority but we are also so looking forward to this particular upgrade. Maybe this fall. By Sunday morning we knew we weren’t going to get everything done on our list. Actually, we knew last week which is why we didn’t schedule the drywall yet.
Sunday afternoon was all about insulation.
We went from this:
and after a Sunday’s worth of work:
Insulating these slopes is tricky. I’m working on a post to explain it all. I’ll link to it when it’s ready!
After tossing up a knee wall where the stack of 2x4s is in the picture above, and framing in the chimney, we called it a night. Â I’m sore and tired but it feels s0 good to have things done!
That’s the update. I hope you had an equally as productive weekend!
Feb 23 &24 – attic stairs, plumbing and electric
We have a plan. Â We are going to get drywall in in 2 weeks. Â I’m determined. Â This weekend was part one of a two park push to get everything done. Â We are exhausted but one more weekend and we’ll take a break.
First off I had Stefan cut me some holes. Â Cutting plaster and lath is tricky business. Â We use a 2 part system with the Rotozip. Â First we use a tile bit to cut the plaster followed by an all-purpose bit to cut the lath. Â The Rotozip works great. Â you really have to use a rotory tool of some variety. Â Anything that pulls back and forth like the sawzall is just going to shake the lath and destroy the wall. Â A circular saw works well for big holes but for little holes, you really need a more precise tool.
We are adding a switch in the stairwell to control the lights at the top and bottom of the stairs. Â This will solve the “climbing the stairs in the pitch black” problem that we’ve been dealing with.
If you remember from last week, we pulled some wires from the basement for the stairwell outlet. I finished off the pulling which involved being very tricky and going through this closet.
Firstly if you are planning on upgrading your home’s insulation look for discount insulation as these things can be quite pricy, and when it comes to an asset such as a house, one must never compromise. We ended up going with Foam insulation in the open areas.  The cost was quite a bit cheaper than what we could get for the net-and-blow cellulose.  I think as the job gets larger the cellulose gets cheaper but for this job, the foam was less than half the estimates we got for the cellulose  We had open cell foam sprayed in the closet/laundry, the exterior wall of the master bath, and the rear wall of the 3rd floor bath.  We didn’t have anything in the eves done.  We are still trying to figure out just how to do the roof, and have been considering to take the assistance of roofing in st augustine Florida, which are experienced in the installation, repair & maintenance, as well as attic insulation at reasonable prices.
A quick lesson on foam after the jump