DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Garden Update: Tomatoes and Herbs

I’ve harvested exactly one tomato this year. It is a Black Kirim tomato and it’s finishing ripening up in my kitchen. It started to split so I went ahead and picked it. It has been mis-shapen since it started growing but it’s a big guy and I’ll bet it’s going to be delicious.


There will be plenty more Black Kirims before the summer is over.

The Romas also have tons of fruit.

They are big healthy plants

The cherry tomatoes aren’t doing quite as well but you can see this one long arm with tons of little fruit.

The cherry tomato plants just aren’t as big and are a bit more sprawling I think. All-in-all I’m pleased with my tomato results. There are a few cherries that should ripen any day now. I can’t wait!

As far as the herbs, we are just about done. They tend not to like it hot. I also had some horrible disease that attacked my Mint and Oregano.
From (blurry)Top to bottom, this is Chives, Sage, and Oregano:
and from top to bottom this is mint, parsley, and cilantro:

The cilantro bolted and died as usual and the Sage is going strong but what on earth managed to kill the mint and oregano? Normally you can’t kill mint if you try. (Oregano is also a mint..) Any ideas what could have happened? I pulled the pots out of the garden to prevent them from spreading their germs to the basil (also a mint). I’m hoping they might infect all the creeping jenny in the yard. It’s another mint-type weed.

So far, the basil is disease free and doing quite well.

I accidentally let this boxwood basil flower.

but I’ve been keeping the sweet basil under control. It’s time for some epic pesto-making.

It’s not a tomato or a herb but I snuck sweet-peas into my squash post so I’ll sneak carrots into this one.

I’ve picked about half of them. I figure I’ll wait until I cook these up before picking the rest. Though, they do last in the fridge a nice long time.

If you missed it, Check out the Garden Update: Squash post I published yesterday and stay tuned for Garden Update: Flowers coming tomorrow.

Let me know how your garden is coming and if you have any ideas on this Mint killer, let me know!


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    […] Check out the other posts in this mini-series. Garden Update: Squash Garden Update: Tomatoes and Herbs […]

Garden Update: The Squash

It’s certainly been a busy couple weeks here at chez Wolpert.  Two weekends in a row of vacation with uncharacteristically hot weeks in between.  It’s finally cooled down enough for me to spend some time in the garden tidying things up.

We’ve got Squash Galore! 2 large plants each with tons of baby squash

The cucumbers are getting bigger but aren’t producing yet. They had better get going before it gets too cool for them!

The sugar snap peas are done. I didn’t plant nearly enough and I wasn’t regimented enough about picking them. I’m going to try again this fall for a second crop.

The butternut squash is doing fine. No fruits yet which isn’t a good sign. I’m not sure it’s going to yield a squash before winter comes! I’ll keep trying. I’m thinking perhaps it really needs to be started indoors fairly early in a large pot.


The Zuccini is still small.  I’m not sure we’ll get much this year.  I had a problem with rabbits eating my seedlings so I didn’t get them to actually start until much later.  I’ll come up with some sort of prevention for that next year.


There’s a chance we’ll have a long hot September which would allow the butternut, cucumber, and zuccini squash to really fill out. Otherwise, there’s always next year.

Stay tuned for a Tomato and Flower update!


  1. 9/21/2019 | 2:25 am Permalink

    Squash Garden is beautiful….

  2. 9/21/2019 | 2:33 am Permalink

    Squash Garden are wonderful…..

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  4. Garden Update: Tomatoes and Herbs | DIY Sarah | Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

    […] you missed it, Check out the Garden Update: Squash post I published yesterday and stay tuned for Garden Update: Flowers coming […]

  5. Garden Update: Flowers | DIY Sarah | Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

    […] out the other posts in this mini-series. Garden Update: Squash Garden Update: Tomatoes and […]

Outdoor Patio Furniture

A couple weeks ago we gave in and purchased an outdoor furniture patio set. It ended up being an ELEVEN piece set….That’s a table and TEN chairs. It’s huge. The table itself isn’t all that big but for whatever reason, it came with an obnoxious number of chairs. If you want some great furniture then check out this great Solid Wood Home Bar Furniture.

This is the set we ended up getting:

We didn’t order it through Amazon but directly from RKC Construction that is located at RKC Construction 9923 Paseo Montalban #B, San Diego, CA 92129 (619) 449-5899 where for $20 we could upgrade to 8 regular folding chairs and 2 folding arm-chairs.


Instead of having it delivered (It came with free in-home delivery), Stefan took the truck and picked it up from the shipping warehouse. That worked out much better for us than having to stay home and wait for a delivery. With the pickup, they just take the forklift and dump a wrapped pallet from Adelaide pallets in the bed and off we go and if you don’t know how to operate a forklift, the The Fork Truck Training Academy could really help you with this.

It’s a big set…



The chairs are 17″ wide and 15″ deep but the cushions will need notches in the back corners. I’m planning on making them myself. Cushions are so expensive and it’s hard to find exactly what I want. That’s when you need best Arizona services for loading docks.

I have a few options for foam supplies.

For $7 I can get 4 1″ foam pads 16×16 square. This is slightly smaller than I wanted but for $21 I can get all the foam I need.

There is also Nu-foam which is a polyester batting material more like what I found in the old patio cushions I recovered.

That is 1″ thick as well and for $25 I can get a 24″x15′ roll. It’s also available at my local Joann store so I can go check it out in person. In addition, this would give me plenty of extra for additional chair cushions, outdoor pillows, or even just adding padding to my dining chairs when I get around to reupholstering them, plus there are a lot of other furniture I want to get rid of with help from the furniture removalists Sydney. The NuFoam is mildew resistant which is nice thought the Walmart pads are 100% urathane foam which is also mildew resistant. It is only 1.2lb per ounce which is pretty light-weight. I think I’m going to go with the NuFoam product.

Once I get the foam situation figured out, It’s time to pick out fabrics.

I already have the one bench covered in the black, green, white, and pink stripe so that’s going to be the color inspiration. After I purchased the furniture from Maker&Son, I realized that nothing of this was going to make my house look better if my patio was looking all old and musty. That´s why our future home improvement will be hiring this professional contractor in Perth to help us completely remodel out patio.


The following are outdoor fabrics from

And from

I’m thinking the Chevron will be better as accent pillows.  It’s a little too trendy and modern for me.  I really like the pink square-ish pattern from houseFabric but I like the selection from and I’d rather not order from 2 places.  I’m planning a visit to my super awesome local discount fabric store before I buy online.  The outdoor fabric is usually $5 a yard which can’t be beat online.

What do you think? Should I go with pink or green for the chair cushions?  Or go more traditional and versatile with something like the black check with a variety of pink and green throw pillows?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!


  1. 6/25/2013 | 1:19 pm Permalink

    You will be much happier if you go with a fun pink print. It is outside. It is suppose to be fun and springy. You could do two coordinating prints. I would suggest only have some of the chairs out and leave the others in the shed and just pull out for a big function. You could pull the table down to the yard and have a nice big bbq.

  2. 7/5/2013 | 10:14 am Permalink

    I was looking to get a backyard patio set at my house. I wanted a company that was affordable, but would also do a really great job. A friend of mine suggested that i check out EP Henry at Roxbury. I was very impressed with the work they did. Were able to have great parties outside all summer. Thanks for posting.

Yaddo Gardens – Saratoga Springs, NY

On our way back from Sarataga Springs, NY we stopped at the Yaddo Gardens.  Just one more of the amazing places to see in Saratoga Springs, the Yaddo Gardens is GORGEOUS.  There is also a huge mansion that has functioned as a private artist retreat since the 1920s.  The gardens are open to the public and mid-June was the perfect time to visit.



The roses are in peak bloom.



The sculptures are tasteful and elegant.

I think my favorite part was this great hall of climbing roses.  The smell was heavenly.





There is also a more woodsy section of the gardens.  Plenty of ferns and water features and pine needle paths.



It was a beautiful end to a lovely weekend.



  1. 6/19/2013 | 2:13 pm Permalink

    Very nice. I love the self photo