DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Front Yard Flower Update

I added some nice brick edging around the lawn and did some weed management. The flowers are blooming and it’s looking great.


I love the Alliums. They are like purple fireworks. The Creeping Phlox is also looking great. I’m glad I went with a single color scheme.




I’ve got a nice planter with that carries the purple over.


I had hoped my Columbines would be the purple variety but no luck there. I may move them into my shade bed in the back and replace them with purple ones out front.


They are such cool flowers though.



And the hosta and periwinkle are doing well. The periwinkle (also called Vinca) is slowly filling out though not as fast as I would like. I need to fertilize a bit to get him to spread. I love that hosta but I’m not sure the placement is best. I may move him to the back shade bed as well.


I also plated some pansies in-ground and they are flowering profusely. I love pansies. They always make me think of Alice In Wonderland.



  1. 5/30/2014 | 8:02 am Permalink

    Wow, your yard looks fantastic. I wish I was there to see it in person. Miss you

First Produce

I’ve officially harvested my first produce of the season. Some beautiful red Radishes. I only got 6 (the bunnies LOVE them) but they did a great job letting me plant something super early this spring.


In other news, Vector has made a new friend. His most favorite thing is to sit in this open window and let this mockingbird hollar at him for hours. The bird must have a nest nearby but the powerlines are just feet away from the window where Vector is happily sitting in the breeze.


The mockingbird makes quite a racket and Vector seems 100% unfazed by the mockingbird’s attempts to scare him off.

The mockingbird is a pretty little thing with beautiful markings on his tail. Every-time he calls, his tail pops up which is quite charming. I just wish he had some prettier sounds in his repertoire. For the most part it’s Squirrel crying and Grackle caws. I was beautiful church bell chimes and morning dove cooing.

I haven’t caught a good picture of Mr. Mockingbird but a far better photographer than me has this picture up on Wikipedia:

There is a romance around the mockingbird (as well as quite a few literary references) and despite it’s annoying crying, I know Vector is enjoying his new buddy.  Although, probably not as much as if he could catch the bugger!


Rain Barrel Setup

I’ve finally got the rain barrel set up. We cut off the gutters and used a cheap plastic diverter to direct the flow into the barrel. I built a platform out of bricks I had lying around and ran a length of hose under the deck for the overflow.


It turned out so well, I think we’re going to try to build another one for the other side of the house. It’s so nice to be able to divert the overflow a hose-length away from the house and I’ve been using the water for my plants as an added bonus!


Veggie Garden Update

Sugar Snap Peas still a bit on the small side. I’m not sure we will get any fruit this year.


I’ve planted some tomatoes already. I’ve got a Roma, an early, and 2 cherries.


I’ve got some radishes ready to be picked.


And we have the cutest bunnies ever. They haven’t seemed to bother the gardens at all. They seem to prefer the clover and violets in the lawn.



The blueberry plants I planted are looking great. They are really filling out well.


Labor Day is next weekend and I’m planning on planting the final plants: Cucumbers, Squash, and Zucchini. I’ve also got a ton of zinnias started that need another week to mature and I’ll toss them in the ground.


Summer is nearly here!


  1. 5/24/2014 | 8:58 pm Permalink

    I’ve had a bunch of cherry tomatoes. Summer is here for us but we have had a very nice spring. Love your garden. Thanks for sharing