DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Estate Sale Season is Here!

It’s estate sale season and I’ve got lots of room to fill with vintage treasures. This season, I’m going to stick to a handful of projects that I’ll be scouting for. I also can’t say no to glassware, though I really should.

1) Paintings and vintage artwork

In this post: Eclectic Art Stairwell, I mentioned wanting a beautiful art collection for the stairs. I love paintings of pretty people in old-fashioned clothing.

This next picture I pinned a while ago, I like the idea of the picture rails to hang and display the artwork especially since the stairwells are plaster

I am also looking for more scientific botanicals, architectural prints, scientific themed prints for the plate rail in the dining room. I love these horribly expensive ones from restoration hardware that I oogled over in a previous post:. Things along this line:

2) Big Spool

I love this coffee table idea I posted about here: I am so doing this.

3) Type Drawers

I pinned this last week sometime. My Grammy had one in her living room and I always thought it was awesome. My uncle Paul has it now. I’d love one of my own.

4) Vintage Toolboxes

I love the idea of a collection of vintage wooden toolboxes. What a great way to corral stuff in the living room, kids rooms, etc. Forget modern bins as toy boxes, why not a 100 year old awesome toolbox!

This image really sealed the deal for me. Love that built in with all the nooks for old boxes.

5) Furniture List

Piano Room: small settee, a music stand, a cute piano stool, old end-tables, Barrister Bookcase
Dining room: Round table with leaves, upholstered chairs,
Den: Couch but we’ll probably buy new, Solid Bookshelves,
Master Bedroom: Queen sized 4-posted bed, plant stands for office/sunroom area
3rd Floor Bedrooms: twin beds with short headboards
Outside: Cast Aluminum Patio Set, Benches, porch swing, Concrete Urns, Etc.

That’s my list for the season. What do you have on your list?


Estate Sale Finds 03/26/2011

First estate sale of the season for me!  It was a George sale.  I hardly bother going to the other ones.  I will when they start to get rolling but I pay so much more for the stuff.  I try to go to those other guys on the second day of the sale.  They are usually more willing to deal.  Anyways, today was just George.  I spent just $6 which is good for me.  I usually spend $10!  I know it is just so much money for as much stuff as I get.  George is the best.

Milkglass Etc.

I got a couple cute pieces of milkglass (my favorite and perfect for weddings!), some cute juice glasses that will be great tealight holders.  There were 4 but I broke one on the way home 🙁  That will teach me not to wrap stuff up well.  I need to get into a better habbit about that.  I have plans to make fabric bags to just throw this stuff in as I am gathering it at sales but it just hasn’t happened.  I’m headed to the fabric store today.  I may see what fleece remnants they have.

I also got one piece of cute amber depression glass.  Another cute tea light and the sweetest little milkglass bud vase.  Stefan got a Stein to add to his collection.  It is even stamped West Germany so we know it is Iron Curtain era.  He also got some peg board hooks which I pickup whenever I can.  We will have a real workroom with lots of pegboard someday!

The real find though was this cool tray.  It will be a great magnetic board!  I’ll make some sweet art-deco magnets and hopefully get that in the etsy shop this week!  I’ve been picking up those Better Homes and Gardens books.  I have a couple Handymans and a couple Decorating ones.  The images are so retro and cute.  I haven’t come up with the perfect use for them but I’m open to sugesstions!  Leave me good comments!

Tray and Book


It’s off to the fabric store for me.  I’ll try to get another before and after post up today.


It is Springtime!

I got great news today.  George and Co. is having their first estate sale of the season!  I have been waiting patiently but it is finally here.   George and Co.  has possible the best estate sales ever.  The real estate ranges from high-end to the lower tier stuff I love.  George and his crew are awesome as well which really makes the experience that much better.

The estate sales this weekend is at:


Make sure you watch for the signs:

I may be heading out to Upstate NY this weekend but there will be many more.  Still, I’m a little bummed I’ll miss it.  The good news is, I’ll get a chance to explore places out in the Capitol Region .


The Hunt for a Table

This past weekend, Stefan (the boyfriend) and I headed up north in search of a dining room table. We are looking for something with character and heft. Probably Oak. We would like it to have several leaves and expand to 7 feet long or so. It will be used at present as an office table with room to eat at one end so the bigger the better. Let me know if you see anything!
Our hunt this weekend yielded no table but I did get a chance to explore a variety of antique shops in Haverhill, Georgetown, and Lawrence, MA.

The first shop was Sedler’s Antique Village in Haverhill. Their website can be found here: this was a great little shop. The prices were great and it was huge. 3 stories of a neat old house full of booths and stuff. Some of the more noteworthy finds at Sedler’s:

A Ms. Beasley Doll for $35 and this super cute enameled kettle for $6. If mom lived closer, I’d have bought that kettle for her. Super cute and a great price!

These shops were busts:

Little’s Block of Shoppes 1 West Main Street, Georgetown, MA(978) 352-3344 ‎Mostly new stuff. A cute gift shop but not really antiques that I was looking for.

Jennies LLP 133 Merrimack Street, Haverhill, MA(978) 373-2069 ‎
Junk! Some of the vendors had some old stuff but for the most part this was an overpriced thrift shop full of booths of smelly clothes and used goods. The whole place smelled of smoke and I don’t think I’ll bother going back.

Antique World 136 Cedar Street, Haverhill, MA(978) 372-3919 ‎
We could never find this place.

The real find though was Canal Street Antique Mall in Lawrence. Located at 181 Canal Street Lawrence MA 01840, this place was awesome. Huge, tons of variety, lots of man-tiques (Silverline tools, barware, and furniture) as well as tons of everything else. I saw all sorts of stuff I had to have but I didn’t end up buying anything. Going with the express purpose of looking for a table helps the buying impulse. Here is a photo of one half of the place. There are rooms to each side full of booths and you can see just how long that hallway is! And, that is only one side; the other side is equally as large!

One cool thing we found was the handmade wooden car. It was definitely made by some grandpa and has the innards of a Barbie Jeep. It looks like it may be a kit but I decided that my Daddy needs to start making these for the nieces/nephews/future grandkids. How awesome is that!

I’ll definitely be back to Sedler’s and Canal Street Antiques. Next time my mother comes into town, we’ll have to hit those up.
Another interesting place we ran into was Paul Martin Wholesale Antiques. It was closed when we drove by but it looked like a goldmine of awesome. I’ll have to call and see if I can find its hours. I’d definitely like to check that place out.
Until next time!