DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

About Me

My name is Sarah Wolpert.  I am a young career woman working as an electrical engineer at MITRE Corp. outside of Boston, MA.

I am a newlywed and my husband, Stefan, and I recently purchased a fixer-upper in Arlington, MA which now consumes all my DIY energies.

My pleasures outside of work only tangentially revolve around the computers I work on all day at work.  I do enjoy a good scripting problem and I love to play with photoshop and other fancy software but I find that computers can often be too abstract to be rewarding.  Creating physical objects and finding physical treasures offer me a more immediate reward to supplement the long-term rewards of my day job.

My mother has paved the way for me in the crafting and antiquing world.  She sold Teacup Birdfeeders and Christmas Wreaths at craft shows as well as kept a booth at a local antique mall.  She has been taking me to garage and estate sales since I could remember.  It seems natural to continue.  Moving to New England, I have found a whole new world of antiques.  Things last longer without the humidity of the south east and the houses and towns are older with more cool old stuff than most of the places I have lived.

As I continue to hunt for treasure in the forgotten corners of basements and carve beauty out of seemingly ordinary objects, I desire to share my experiences with others.  Not as a guide but more as an inspiration.  I hope to share my experiences with my readers and I hope my readers will respond to those experiences and share their own.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my humble attempt at communicating my ideas and I welcome your feedback and support.


Sarah Wolpert

  1. 3/14/2012 | 7:24 pm Permalink

    I don’t know if you remember me or not. Friend of your folks/Hillside. I really enjoyed viewing this website. Sarah, you are doing really fun/exciting things and yes, you have had a great mentor!!! Enjoy your “hunting”.

  2. 10/18/2013 | 4:27 pm Permalink


    I own the domain and it could be beneficial to you because the name perfectly reflects your business. I’m no longer using and
    was wondering if you’d be interested in getting it for yourself.

    If this interests you at all please feel free to let me know.

    Warm regards,

    Demond Jackson

  3. 2/14/2015 | 10:49 pm Permalink

    I saw a picture of a cat door on Pinterest that came from your DIY website. I have looked on your site and I cannot find it. Can you email me the picture of that and any info you had that went with it? I loved it.